Malai Koodai
The koodai knotting technique is a traditional basket-weaving method originating from South India, particularly Tamil Nadu. The word “koodai” means basket in Tamil, and the technique is used to create sturdy, patterned baskets made from natural or recycled materials like palm leaves, banana fibers, or plastic strips.
Koodai has become integral part of a visual identity of Tamilian culture and fashion. It’s seen across cities, social boundaries becoming a cultural item - a folk item, one could say.
The skill of knotting a Koodai is often taught to girls at a young age and for many remains an integral part of gaining extra income during the lifetime.
We have asked the Koodai artisans to change plastic wires they usually make for strips of Malai Biocomposite which resulted in a collection of 4 accessories with their own structure, visual language and functionality.